Black Randy And The Metrosquad - "Pass The Dust, I Think I'm Bowie" CASSETTE
Official reissue of Black Randy & The Metrosquad's only album, singles, and a variety of live tracks. Limited to 323 Copies. Includes 4 songs not compiled on any other versions of "Pass The Dust", an outtake from the Idi Amin recording Session 1978 and their live set from the 'Save The Masque Benefit, February 25, 1978, recorded from the soundboard by Geza X.
Marlon Brando
I Tell Lies Every Day
Down At The Laundrymat
I Wanna Be A Nark
Give It Up Or Turnit A Loose
Idi Amin
Sperm Bank Baby
Barefootin' On The Wicket Picket
San Francisco
Tellin' Lies
(Say It Loud) I'm Black And Proud (Part 1)
(Theme From) Shaft
Trouble At The Cup
Sperm Bank Baby
I Wanna Be A Nark (Outtake)
Green Frog Excerpts
Theme From Scorpio
Beershit, Disco Loner
Idi Amin
Loner With A Boner
Trouble At The Cup
Last Stop On The Express